Products for Honda ATV Electric Shift Problems: How to Fix Diagnose and Repair ES System.

wire harness kit surrounded by smaller images of honda atv connector harness plugs and large ES logo in background.

Best Products for Honda ATV Electric shift problems

The Best Honda ES Shift Bypass Diagnostic Tool for Honda ATV Electric Shift Problems.

This product when installed will quickly isolate internal mechanical clutch or transmission failures from electrical sensor or shift computer problems. Without ever pulling the clutch cover open, wasting oil and gasket scraping time.

Honda Recon 250 ES Shift Bypass Kit angle sensor ECU delete kit bypass wire harness kit for honda atv electric shift problems convert electric shift to manual conversion #hondaesshiftkit

Honda Recon 250 ES Shift Bypass

2002-2019 Honda Recon 250 ES Bypass.

Honda Rancher ES Shift Bypass Kit angle sensor ECU delete kit bypass wire harness kit for honda atv electric shift problems convert electric shift to manual conversion #hondaesshiftkit

Honda Rancher 350 ES Shift Bypass

2000-2006 Honda Rancher 350 ES Bypass.

Honda Rancher 420 ES Shift Bypass Kit angle sensor ECU delete kit bypass wire harness kit for honda atv electric shift problems convert electric shift to manual conversion #hondaesshiftkit

Honda Rancher 420 Es Shift Bypass

2007-2015 Honda Rancher 420 ES Bypass.

Honda Foreman 450 ES Shift Bypass Kit angle sensor ECU delete kit bypass wire harness kit for honda atv electric shift problems

Honda Foreman 450 ES Shift Bypass

1998-2004 Honda Foreman 450 ES Bypass.

Honda Foreman 500 ES Shift Bypass Kit angle sensor ECU delete kit bypass wire harness kit for honda atv electric shift problems convert electric shift to manual conversion #hondaesshiftkit

Honda Foreman 500 ES Shift Bypass

2005-2011 Honda Foreman 500 ES Bypass.

Ideal for quick special tool for shop diagnostics or emergency bypass can be easily stored on the ATV for emergency repair on the trail with no special tools.

Bypass Kit and angle sensor delete for Honda ES Shifter Problems.

Got Honda Rancher electric shift problems?

Great for diagnostics of the Honda ESP Shift System.

Quickly isolate mechanical from actual electric sensor or computer problems.

This kit will bypass Angle Sensor and ECU Conversion Kit for Honda ES shifter problems.

Easy to replace 5 pin relays one relay powers up shift and the other relay controls down shift.

Sealed waterproof relays commonly found online or at any auto parts store.

Convert Electric Shift to Manual Shift Style control without computers or sensors. 

If you can manually hand shift the transmission through all the gears with the emergency hand shifter. 

 It is located under the seat on the ATV. 

Attach it to the shift nub on the left lower side of the motor.

Be sure you already checked Battery condition and connections. 

Test or replaced the Up Down Shift buttons on the left handlebar switch. 

And already tried a new or tested good shift motor.

But still have a flashing shift code? This kit may solve your electric shift problems.

Troubleshooting the ES Shift Problems: Common Problems and Effective Solutions

Youtube videos Honda ES Shift Kit Videos Installation

Electric Shift Issues? Diagnosing the Problem Has Never Been Easier!

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Warning! After installation Never shift from neutral to 1st gear or from neutral to reverse gear when the engine is running over 1200 rpm. Never hold the shift button down for more than 3 seconds for any reason. Do not down shift multiple gears too quickly at high speeds.

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After installation a clutch adjustment may be necessary to obtain smoother shifts. This should be done periodically for routine maintenance. How to adjust your clutch on youtube@hondaesshiftkit